Bi-weekly Review

Bi-weekly Review (Side Notes)

1st Bi-weekly

* Formative Research

* Summative Research

* Market Research: Competitor Analysis

* Target Audience Profiling/Personas

2nd Bi-weekly

* Content Analysis

* Visual Anthropology/Photo Ethnography

* -Movie Review-

3rd Bi-weekly

* Interviews

* Focus Groups

* User Testing

* Iterative Design

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Research Methods for My GP

For my Graduation Project, I going to use four of this research methods to help me improve my current findings that I have. By using these methods, maybe it can help me to cover the missing link that I need. 

The methods that I’ll be conducting:

Formative Research

I will use this method to find my focus group for my card game, Neart (An Irish theme trading card game). My main target audience will be aiming at the young adults because from what I have found out during my research, most players are young adults then teenagers even though the game I meant for teenagers. Not that teenagers are not the main demographic for playing card game. Most of them only play it to kill time or to play it because of their friends and the common interest they have.

I need to see whether what type of genres of card game they like to play. From what I have found out, trading card game are popular now especially Japanese card game. But now American card game is rising in popularity too. So, for my card game, I need to have a mixture of Japanese and American layout style to follow the latest trend. For the illustration style, I need to change to something that is semi-realistic. My initial idea for my illustration style is to have a manga style illustration because of the Japanese influence in the modern trading card game. But I need to change the style because of the mainstream trading card game now a day.

From what I have found out, a lot of trading card games has been transfer to digital form mostly Computer games but recently mobile phone games have been rising and A LOT of computer card game has been port to mobile phone. Because a lot of people is using smart phone so using a port game to mobile phone is a good idea. Maybe I will research more in to it.

Target Audience Profiling

Today, both genders play trading card game but a lot of people assume that only males plays them. So, this might be hard to please both gender if I want to make this game into reality.

From what I know (citation needed) Female players like to play card game that mostly have males or cute creatures that is illustrated on the card. And Males like to play card game that mostly have females or creatures that have overpowered attacks or abilities that is illustrated on the card. So, to summaries, male players like to win using non-passive ways and female players like to win using passive ways. But now this ideology is not that true now but I need more research on that if I want both gender to play my card game.

So, to continue my profiling, I need to create two separate personas for both genders to see my theory is true and to have a better understanding from both parties’ perspective. I’m going to create two identities of a modern typical young adult (both genders) that plays trading card game. I want to know how true is my theory and to sort them to different groups. This can help me to understand the target audience and knowing how to effectively reach them.

So now readers, if you are reading this. I would like to know what type of illustration style you like on a card (don’t need to be a card game) and is it true that my theory hypothesis the gender differences. Write down your comment on the blackboard plzzzz.
I order you! Its’ for Science! : )

Iterative Design

My prototype deck is done but I need more improvement and polishing to my design and the game play. I need more people to play my game to eliminate usability flaws before I can finalise the deck and print it in mass production for my graduation project assessment. But before anything happens, I want to know the opinion from different people when they see my illustration and my layout.

*Note to self: I need to do this as soon as possible so that I can let people see and comment. That will be on the next blog. I will spam pictures!

So, readers you must pick one next week plzzz.
Plzzz Like, Comment and Subscribe and I need at least 1000 likes to continue my GP. :p 

Competitor Analysis

For now, I’m looking at a card game called Gwent (my Inspiration for my card game) and Hearthstone (for the layout of the card) I’m looking at how they displaying their cards because this card game is on the digital platform there’s no physical card.

(Only for Gwent): (I’m lying actual the physical card does exist in real life but it’s not meant to play because it’s a collector’s item. It means that it’s part of the game promotion if you pre-order the game, you will receive this free gift.)

So, for my end, I want to do both style one in real life and one in the digital realm. So, that people who want to play the game can have the privilege of having both style of playing. This method has already been done by other trading card games like Yu-gi-oh and Magic the Gathering. One thing I notice in a card game is it’s very expensive just for a single card. A single card just cost you around SGD 30 if you want to upgrade you deck. So, for my card game I want to do the same but only for the rare cards that will be costly and the rest will be in the structure deck.

What makes mine different from the other card game is you don’t need a strong and powerful card to win the game all you need is strategy to keep increasing the number to the highest number possible for two rounds and you will win the match so you don’t even need to spend much on my game just to enjoy the game because if possible I want everyone to play my game not just rich people who just throw their money around to get the powerful deck.

What I intend to do?

For now, I think I will construct a mock up deck to let people try out my game to see whether it need to update any further. For my art style, I need to see whether my players like the type of style that I have illustrated for the Faeries and Monsters that I have interpreted. And finally, the card layout, whether they like it or dislike it because it’s an identify for my card game. I need see how other card games is being design. This might help me to improve my current layout.

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